Saturday, January 9, 2010

Little Addison has had a rough couple of weeks. She had what we thought was a cold for some time and we kept wondering why it was hanging on for so long - the cough, runny nose, everything was getting worse by the week. Well, we finally took her in to the pediatrician, and lo and behold she had a double ear infection. A few doses of amoxocillan later she was feeling SO much better. We were to give her the amoxocillan for 10 days, but by day 7 she broke out in the worst rash either of us had ever seen, all over her body. Big red welts were covering her from face to foot! So....back to the doctor we went and it turns out she's allergic to the amoxocillan. Good to know! Regardless of that, the ear infections are gone and now that she's been off the medicine for several days, so is the horrible rash.

Despite all of this, Addison has been in relatively good spirits. Her newest favorite word is "princess" and all that is associated with that. She also loves her stickers and coloring books, and a cardboard house DJ made her from a box left over from Christmas. She also loves bath time even more these days thanks to a fun toy from the Grandpas! Tonight she is going over to the neighbors house to hang out for dinner and to play with Abbey, Alice and Anna.

Addison Land

Koo-Koo Face

Addison's new big girl table in the kitchen

Bath time is fun!

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