Sunday, January 25, 2009


It was an historic week in US history for sure. Tuesday's inauguration was an exciting and emotional day. Addison rocked her Obama one-sie, courtesy of Auntie Kaili, and got into the spirit of the event. I was actually home sick that day, which sucked, but at least I got to see everyting live on TV. Unfortunately Addison caught my cold and spent the later part of the week, and weekend, coughing, sneezing, crying and...TEETHING! She sprouted a tooth on Friday which is very exiciting, but sad because she's clearly in pain. Nights have been rough too. We put her to sleep in her carseat (looks really uncomfortable) becasue it's the only way she can get any relief from the snot and coughing. Anyway, the cold seems to be winding down, so hopefully in a few days it will be gone altogether. On a happier note, Addison's sitting up skills are getting better and better, although Saturday night she took a few topples and bonked her head on the floor (carpeted with several blankets as well, so don't worry) causing a couple of crying spells.

This one's for you Auntie Kaili!

I was trying to get a picture of her in sick mode here
Where's Addison?

There she is!

I'm sitting up!

Teething and tired

I need Tylenol, NOW!!!!!
OK, thank you. Now leave me alone.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A!

We joined the Y a few months ago and are really enjoying all it has to offer. The next baby swim lessons start in late February, but in the meantime we thought we'd take Addison for a dip in the pool once in a while. Sunday mornings are a GREAT time to hit the Y - everyone is at church so it's totally empty.

Our friend Tim's birthday was a couple of weeks ago, but we celebrated on Saturday night when Holly, Mike and little Jesse (9 months) were visiting from Chicago. The festivities started at around 6pm so the little ones were on their way to meltdown-city. But the pack n' plays were ready and waiting for the sleepy-heads.

Holly and Addison

Addison with the birthday boy

Daddy daycare

Meltdown time

Of all the toys and gadgets this kid has, a water bottle filled with rice remains her favorite toy!

She LOVES to drink water from any glass she can get her hands on. This was at lunch at YUM on Sunday.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Almost sitting up

It's been in the works for a few weeks now, but this weekend Addison held herself upright on her own several times, the longest period being about a minute. She does pretty well then tips over eventually, usually scaring herself a bit. BUT she gets up and tries again - she's getting the hang of it!

Another first this weekend was Addison staying overnight with DJ's parents. We'll admit we were freaking out a bit just knowing that she wasn't going to be peacefully sleeping in the next room, but we did have a great time out with friends and it was pure heaven to sleep in until 7am. All went well with Addison at the grandparents', but she woke up REALLY early there so was off her typical patterns all day. We knew the overnight had to happen at some point, so we're just relieved we got through it without lying awake all night weeping! :)

We broke down and purchased the illustrious ExcerSaucer for Addison today and I have to say it's pretty cool! It promises to offer endless hours of fun with all of it's bells and whistles - literally.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year - 6 months old tomorrow!

Happy New Year and 1/2 Birthday to Addison! How time has flown. 6 more months and she'll be a year - unbelievable! We had a few days off after Christmas, and now a few more after the new year. We're reveling in this time because it's along dry spell until the next 3 day weekend in May.

Grant and Stacy stopped in for a couple of days before they flew back to L.A. and we had a really nice time visiting with them. Addison was entertained by the new faces/playmates and received a second round of gifts! DJ drove G&S to the airport at 5am on the the 30th and luckily they were the first flight out - it snowed all day and a ton of flights got delayed. We'll see them in February and then not until their wedding in September!

We rang in the new year with a lobster and crab dinner and one last evening in front of the Christmas tree. New Year's day was spent relaxing, taking a long walk, going out to lunch and disassembling the living room decorations during Addison's naps. We're looking forward to a long weekend, and even more forward to the coming year with our growing girl....

Addison and her baby doll

Green Beans

At daddy's office

Grant & Stacy's visit

New Year's Eve

New Year's Day - Snow Angel!

About Me

Thanks for visiting our blog, the place to go for fun pictures, video clips and timely updates on the Barat girls!