Monday, March 29, 2010

The Beginnings of Spring

Spring is in the air here, with temperatures reaching 70 degrees and NO MORE snow in sight! It's that time of year that you can see the buds starting to grow from the lilac bushes, and the grass starting to push up green and fresh. Addison is in heaven and wants to be outside as much as possible. She was really into walking Callie for a couple of weeks, but could care less now and would rather spend her walks picking up sticks and leaves. Addison continues to be a funny little goofball with moments of extreme sassiness and bossiness. BUT she is a great sleeper and is getting back into vegetables...the word of the week is broccoli. She is also now aware that there is a baby in my belly and not hers. Stay tuned for pictures of her adorable new room - we expect to be finished by next weekend.

31 weeks...I think!

She thinks she's so brave walking "downhill" on this bridge - a daredevil she is not!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Palm Springs Vacation

We ended up having a wonderful time in Palm Springs with the family, but the beginning of the trip was nothing short of awful. It all started when we awoke to Addison's cries at 3am (not typical for her) on the Friday we were to fly out. We entered her bedroom to find the poor thing covered in vomit - gross! She's never thrown up or had the flu before, so we weren't quite sure what was going on. After checking for a fever (none), a bath and a change of all the crib bedding, we put her back down around 4am hoping that it was just a strange fluke. Well, an hour later was like groundhog day - more puke, more laundry, another bath. By this time we were kind of freaking out, wondering what to do about our pending trip, because Addison was definitely not feeling well. We tossed around 3 ideas - cancel the trip altogether, change our flight by a few days and fly out later in the week (to the tune of another $500 or so) or say screw it and just go. We went with option 3 and moved forward with our plans, hoping that we were making the right decision and also praying that neither DJ nor I caught the bug.

There was another vommiting episode RIGHT before we boarded our first flight, but nothing beyond that as far as the plane went. However, 2 blow-out diarrhea diapers with a toddler on the lap and teeny tiny airplane restrooms was enough to almost put us over the edge. Long story short, we made it, Addison was ill for the next day or so, but then bounced back nicely. Unfortunately I, then Grandpa Allan AND Grant and Stacy all came down with whatever bug she had, so the beginning portion of the trip was kind of unpleasant. Sorry everyone!

The sickies finally got well and by Tuesday things were back to normal and the weather was gorgeous. For the remainder of the week Addison had a great time playing in the pool for hours on end, taking walks around the property and picking flowers galore, visting Grandma Pam and seeing horses for the first time (she even took a ride!), wandering the Palm Springs street fair, eating lots of yummy food and generally making everyone laugh at her spunky, funny little personalilty. DJ golfed each morning and loved every minute of it, and we enjoyed a day at an awesome spa together on Tuesday - pretty much my idea of heaven!

We're back in MN now getting ready to start a work week and even though it's good to be home, we miss everyone and the sunshine - thanks for everything, see you all soon!

New toy - Elmo Bubble Machine!

Love the shades

Horsey time - she's a natural!

Kissing Daisy the pony

First pony ride

The pool at Miramonte Spa


Pool time!


Strawberry pancakes, oh boy!

Zonked out on the plane ride home

The most bizarre man - an electric cellist at the Palm Springs street fair. I couldn't resist a short clip - what a dork! Addison was mesmerized by him though :)

About Me

Thanks for visiting our blog, the place to go for fun pictures, video clips and timely updates on the Barat girls!