Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pics from the park

This time of year in MN is very frustrating - Spring makes a teasing appearance one day, then Winter is thrown back into your face the next. Last weekend was in the high 60's, but it's been in the 30's/40's (at a high) for the past week, including this weekend. Oh well. Despite the return of the chill, we made a trip or two to the park this weekend to get the little monkey some fresh air. Mostly Addison just loves watching other kids - big or small. She's also growing in her independence. At this point she'll hardly let us feed her. When we do manage to accomplish a feeding, we have to give her a spoon to hang on to while we sneak bites in here and there with another one. She can basically feed herself with the spoon though, it just has to be thick enough food that she gets it into her mouth instead of everywhere else. Finger foods are the predominant items on the high chair tray now - chicken, banans, blueberries, grapes, cooked veggies, tofu, avocado, pasta, cheese, Cheerios...there's nothing she doesn't like, especially if it means she has the chance to feed herself. We've nicknamed her "MJ" for mini-Jabba (as in, the Hutt). Mean, I know, but it's DJ's thing. He says she looks like a little Jabba the Hutt as she reahes, grabs and shovels food into her mouth, followed by a grunt. HA! So mean, and she doesn't really grunt, DJ just likes to throw that in there. She's learning to stand on her own while holding on to furniture/toys too, but still hasn't started to crawl. Her little personality is becomong more defined as well - one word...FEISTY!! She knows what she wants, when she wants it, and do NOT help her with anything. She's even trying to dress herself now! She pulls her shirts on and off over her head. Ahhhh...just think of the terrible 2's!

Fun at the park

Practicing standing

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