Thursday was spent decorating the tree and livng room. What a relief to have all of that done, and it looks great! This is my favorite time of year when it comes to how my living room looks. As Addison entered the room, she started screaming "yites!", which means lights. We told her right away that she couldn't touch the ornaments, so although she'll sidle up really close to the tree and stare, she's been great about not touching. You can tell she's dying to grab one of the glass balls, so we'll see how long the obedience lasts! Thanksgiving was spent at DJ's parents house, where we had NOT a turkey (Judith isn't a big fan of turkey), but a roast with all the delicious fixings, including a pumkin caramel pie that Judith made from scratch, pumpin and all! Judith's half-sister Heather and her husband and two daughters were also there, so it was nice to see everyone and for the kids to play together.
I ended up going into work on Friday while Addison stayed with Grandma, and Dana, DJ and Logan played pool. I left work pretty early and hit the stores for some quick Christmas shopping. Today we all went to the gym and are currently hanging out at home while Addison naps. She's been in a little pain today with her teeth, we think, but she's holding up well. Her newest thing is reaching up for you and saying "hug?"'s the cutest thing ever! She also knows her animal sounds down pat, and all the basic body parts too, which she likes to say all in a row, as in "eyesnosemouth" while pointing at each. Toes and teeth are also favorites. Her play is becoming more imagianitive too - you can watch her pretending to stir pots, drink from cups, answer the phone, etc. She's become quite a dancer too..loves to boogie to the beat! A ham basically. Almost a year and 1/2 old! 17 months in just a few days.
Eating pancakes last weekend - yum!

Our neighbor, Delaney, comes over to hang out and practice her babysirtting skills with Addison. She just turned 11 and plans to get "certified" as a babysitter this year. She knows it will be a while before she'd be able to stay with Addison alone. :)

Thanksgiving at Nana's

A preview of some Christmas house shots